We’re a collaborative lot, really keen to help make international trading work better for you.
We recruit from outside the industry, finding people with the right attitude and similar beliefs to us.
Queen of operations, and never a strong cup of coffee out of arms reach. When she’s not living her best life at Beyonce concerts, she’s checking out the next Bougee brunch locations, reigning in Ben’s ideas or keeping tabs on David.
The ideas guy. Some of which are wonderful, some of which are a bit crazy but apparently, there’s no such thing as a bad idea, right? He’s recently become a big fan of ‘open water swimming’. Or just ‘swimming’ as some of us call it! Good for the soul apparently.
Our very own memory man. David has a wealth of knowledge stored away and can relay the rates of most European trade routes off the top of his head. Also, the phone number for every house he’s every lived in… so you know… definitely some useful stuff there.
Johnny is our party animal from the US of A. Now we hate to stereotype, but he plays American Football, makes a mean mac ‘n’ cheese and point-blank refuses to pronounce ‘aluminium’ correctly. Always the first one to sign up to a social gathering and the last to leave the party, we love his enthusiasm for everything!
Mark’s list of hobbies is as long as your arm. What doesn’t he like to do? Boxing and cycling for fitness… Vintage craft fairs for an industrial upcycle find… Dog walking and time with the grandchildren for chilling out. And these are just a few! We’re exhausted just writing this!
Always dressed to impress. Brian’s experience in European imports is always to be trusted. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for leaving him unsupervised with the biscuit tin.
Shelly is our resident baker. Making incredible cakes for everybody’s birthdays which taste amazing and look incredible. Fortunately for her, Shelly is also a qualified fitness instructor so those bakes come relatively guilt free for her!
Head of Barketing – Eric is pretty much everyone’s therapy dog. He checks in with us once a week to make sure we’re all in tip top shape with a cuddle for anyone that needs it.
A one man walking Ticketmaster, Harry can get you into anywhere… He likes to call this sideline a new interpretation on the gig economy.
David does the heavy lifting… at the gym he’s always on the weights. But when the work is done, he’s an inveterate event planner. Will we (or his poor family, for that matter) ever tire of the excitement. Nope.
Seeks cardio torture in running, squash, and cycling. He always says he’s just done his last marathon, until the next shiny medal lures him back to the track…
Steve’s recent marathon success eclipsed his achievements in Spanish—after two years he could only manage ‘one large beer, por favor’. Loves live music, can’t abide people who wear the t-shirt but don’t know the songs.
We’re a collaborative lot, really keen to help make international trading work better for you.
Exim Group
Unit 3 Broomvale Business Centre,
Bramford Road,
Little Blakenham,